

      姓  名:
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      職  務(wù):
      職  稱(chēng):
      學(xué)  歷:
      電  話(huà):
      傳  真:

      2014.02-至今  中國科學(xué)院南京地理與湖泊研究所,黨委書(shū)記、副所長(cháng),
      2009.07-2014.09  中國科學(xué)院南京分院,副院長(cháng)、黨組成員 
      2005.12-至今  中國科學(xué)院南京地理與湖泊研究所,研究員 
      2006.09-2006.10  美國ARKRON大學(xué),訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者
      2002.05-2002.12  日本島根大學(xué),JSPS高級訪(fǎng)問(wèn)學(xué)者 
      2000.03-2000.10   奧地利科學(xué)院湖沼學(xué)研究所,UNESCO湖沼學(xué)班  
      1997.08-2009.07   中國科學(xué)院南京地理與湖泊研究所,東山站站長(cháng)、太湖站副站長(cháng)、黨政辦公室主任、科技處長(cháng)
      1987.09-2005.12   中國科學(xué)院南京地理與湖泊研究所,助工、工程師、副研究員
      2001.09-2006.01   南京大學(xué),環(huán)境科學(xué)專(zhuān)業(yè),博士
      1995.09-1998.07   中國科學(xué)院南京地理與湖泊研究所,自然地理專(zhuān)業(yè),碩士
      1988.09-1989.07  南京大學(xué),生物系動(dòng)物專(zhuān)業(yè)
      1984.09-1987.07   南京農業(yè)專(zhuān)科學(xué)校(金陵科技學(xué)院),淡水漁業(yè)專(zhuān)業(yè) 

      社會(huì )任職:





      2013年,太湖魚(yú)類(lèi)增殖放流及其效應研究,江蘇省海洋漁業(yè)科技創(chuàng )獎二等獎(NO.2












      [1] 張甘霖*,谷孝鴻,趙濤,張運林,徐力剛.中國湖泊生態(tài)環(huán)境變化與保護對策[J].中國科學(xué)院院刊,2023,38(03):358-364.

      [2] Mao Zhigang, Cao Yong, Gu Xiaohong*, Cai Yongjiu*, Chen Huihui, Zeng Qingfei, Jeppesen Erik. Effects of nutrient reduction and habitat heterogeneity on benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in a large shallow eutrophic lake. Science of The Total Environment. 2023, 867:161538.

      [3] 李一凡,谷孝鴻,曾慶飛*,賈冰嬋,訾鑫源,陳輝輝,毛志剛,葛優(yōu).1990-2021年?yáng)|太湖網(wǎng)圍養殖規模變化下的水質(zhì)變化特征及成因分析.湖泊科學(xué),2023,35(01):155-167.

      [4] Mao Zhigang, Cao Yong, Gu Xiaohong*, Zeng Qingfei, Chen Huihui, Jeppesen Erik. Response of zooplankton to nutrient reduction and enhanced fish predation in a shallow eutrophic lake. Ecological Application. 2023, 33(1):e2750.

      [5] Ge You, Gu Xiaohong*, Mao Zhigang, et al. How does aquaculture activity affect phytoplankton functional groups in Gaoyou Lake, China. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 2023, 38(1): 2159554.

      [6] Yang Huiting, Gu Xiaohong*, Chen Huihui*, Zeng Qingfei, Mao Zhigang, Jin Miao, Li Hongmin, Ge You, Zha Jinmiao, Martyniuk Christopher J. Transcriptome profiling reveals toxicity mechanisms following sertraline exposure in the brain of juvenile zebrafish (Danio rerio). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2022, 242:113936.

      [7] 張運林*,秦伯強,朱廣偉,宋春橋,鄧建明,薛濱,龔志軍,王曉龍,吳敬祿,施坤,谷孝鴻,張甘霖.論湖泊重要性及我國湖泊面臨的主要生態(tài)環(huán)境問(wèn)題.科學(xué)通報,2022,67(30):3503-3519.

      [8] 谷先坤,劉燕山,唐晟凱,李大命,張彤晴*,曾慶飛,毛志剛,陳輝輝,谷孝鴻*.網(wǎng)圍拆除后東太湖魚(yú)類(lèi)功能群時(shí)空變化及影響因子.湖泊科學(xué),2022,34(02):569-581.

      [9] 楊慧婷,谷孝鴻*,陳輝輝*,曾慶飛,毛志剛,李紅敏,葛優(yōu),查金苗. 環(huán)境相關(guān)濃度的卡馬西平對斑馬魚(yú)幼魚(yú)抗氧化系統和神經(jīng)遞質(zhì)系統的影響. 生態(tài)毒理學(xué)報,2022,17(03):268-276.

      [10] Li Hongmin, Gu Xiaohong*, Chen Huihui, Mao Zhigang, Shen Ruijie, Zeng Qingfei, Ge You. Co-occurrence of multiple cyanotoxins and taste-and-odor compounds in the large eutrophic Lake Taihu, China: Dynamics, driving factors, and challenges for risk assessment. Environmental Pollution. 2022, 294:118594.

      [11] 賈冰嬋,張鳴,武娟,谷孝鴻,袁和忠,訾鑫源,李一凡,曾慶飛*.固城湖退圩還湖區沉積物重金屬特征及生態(tài)風(fēng)險評價(jià).中國環(huán)境科學(xué),2022,42(10):4741-4751.

      [12] Shen Ruijie, Gu Xiaohong*, Chen Huihui, Mao Zhigang, Zeng Qingfei, Erik Jeppesen. Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) stocking promotes phytoplankton growth by suppression of zooplankton rather than through nutrient recycling: an outdoor mesocosm study. Freshwater Biology, 2021, 66(6): 1074-1088.

      [13] 谷孝鴻*, 李紅敏, 毛志剛, 陳輝輝, 沈睿杰, 曾慶飛. 藍藻水華與淡水魚(yú)類(lèi)的生態(tài)相互作用研究進(jìn)展. 科學(xué)通報, 2021, 66(21): 2649-2662.

      [14] Yang Huiting, Liang Xuefang, Zhao Yanyan, Gu Xiaohong, Mao Zhigang, Zeng Qingfei, Chen Huihui*, Christopher J. Martyniuk. Molecular and behavioral responses of zebrafish embryos/larvae after sertraline exposure. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 208: 111700.

      [15] Chen Huihui, Gu Xiaohong*, Zeng Qingfei, Mao Zhigang, Christopher J. Martyniuk. Characterization of the GABAergic system in Asian clam Corbicula fluminea: Phylogenetic analysis, tissue distribution, and response to the aquatic contaminant carbamazepine. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology, 2021, 239: 108896.

      [16] Li Hongmin, Gu Xiaohong*, Chen Huihui, Mao Zhigang, Zeng Qingfei, Yang Huiting, Kan Kecong. Comparative toxicological effects of planktonic Microcystis and benthic Oscillatoria on zebrafish embryonic development: Implications for cyanobacteria risk assessment. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 274: 115852.

      [17] Chen Huihui, Liang Xuefang, Gu Xiaohong*, Zeng Qingfei, Mao Zhigang, Martyniuk, C.J. Environmentally relevant concentrations of sertraline disrupts behavior and the brain and liver transcriptome of juvenile yellow catfish (Tachysurus fulvidraco): Implications for the feeding and growth axis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 409: 124974.

      [18] Zeng Qingfei*, Xu Yuxia, Erik Jeppesen, Gu Xiaohong, Mao Zhigang, Chen Huihui. Farming practices affect the amino acid profiles of the aquaculture Chinese mitten crab. PeerJ, 2021, 9:e11605.

      [19] Mao Zhigang, Gu Xiaohong*, Cao Yong, Luo Juhua, Zeng Qingfei, Chen Huihui, Erik Jeppesen. How does fish functional diversity respond to environmental changes in two large shallow lakes? Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 753: 142158.

      [20] Mao Zhigang, Gu Xiaohong*, Cao Yong, Luo Juhua, Zeng Qingfei, Chen Huihui, Erik Jeppesen. Pelagic energy flow supports the food web of a shallow lake following a dramatic regime shift driven by water level changes. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 756: 143642.

      [21] Mao Zhigang, Gu Xiaohong*, Cao Yong, Zhang Min, Zeng Qingfei, Chen Huihui, Shen Ruijie, Erik Jeppesen. The role of top-down and bottom-up control for phytoplankton in a subtropical shallow eutrophic lake: evidence based on long-term monitoring and modeling. Ecosystems, 2020, 23: 1449-1463.

      [22] Shen Ruijie, Gu Xiaohong*, Chen Huihui, Mao Zhigang, Zeng Qingfei, Erik Jeppesen. Combining bivalve (Corbicula fluminea) and filter-feeding fish (Aristichthys nobilis) enhances the bioremediation effect of algae: An outdoor mesocosm study. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 727, 138692.

      [23] Chen Huihui, Yang Huiting, Zhao Yanyan, Gu Xiaohong*, Martyniuk Christopher J. Development and Molecular Investigation into the Effects of Carbamazepine Exposure in the Zebrafish (Danio rerio). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(23):8882.

      [24] 闞可聰, 谷孝鴻, 李紅敏, 陳輝輝, 毛志剛, 曾慶飛*. 固城湖及出入湖河道表層水體、沉積物和魚(yú)體中有機氯農藥分布及風(fēng)險評估. 環(huán)境科學(xué), 2020, 41(3): 1346-1536.

      [25] 谷孝鴻*, 曾慶飛, 毛志剛, 陳輝輝, 李紅敏. 太湖2007-2016十年水環(huán)境演變及以漁改水策略探討. 湖泊科學(xué), 2019, 31(2): 305-318.

      [26] Ding Huiping, Gu Xiaohong*, Zhang Zhiming, Huo Bin, Li Dapeng, Xie Congxin. Growth and feeding habits of invasive Pseudorasbora parva in the Chabalang Wetland (Lhasa, China) and its trophic impacts on native fish. Journal of Oceanology & Limnology, 2019, 37(2): 628-639.

      [27] Chen Huihui, Gu Xiaohong*, Zeng Qingfei, Mao Zhigang, Liang Xuefang, Christopher J. Martyniuk. Carbamazepine disrupts molting hormone signaling and inhibits molting and growth of Eriocheir sinensis at environmentally relevant concentrations. Aquatic toxicology, 2019, 208: 138-145.

      [28] 毛志剛, 谷孝鴻*, 龔志軍, 曾慶飛,陳輝輝,李紅敏,張勝宇,穆歡. 洪澤湖魚(yú)類(lèi)群落結構及其資源變化. 湖泊科學(xué), 2019, 31(4): 1109-1119.

      [29] Chen Huihui, Gu Xiaohong*, Zeng Qingfei, Mao Zhigang. Acute and chronic toxicity of carbamazepine on the release of chitobiase, molting, and reproduction in Daphnia similis. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2019, 16(2): 209.

      [30] Li Hongmin, Chen Huihui, Gu Xiaohong*, Mao Zhigang, Zeng Qingfei, Ding Huiping. Dynamics of cyanobacteria and related environmental drivers in freshwater bodies affected by mitten crab culturing: A study of lake Guchenghu, China. Water, 2019, 11(12): 2468.

      [31] 谷孝鴻*,毛志剛,丁慧萍,王銀平,曾慶飛,王蓮蓮。湖泊漁業(yè)研究:進(jìn)展與展望。湖泊科學(xué),2018,30(1):1-14.

      [32] Zeng Qingfei, Jeppesen Erik, Gu Xiaohong*, Mao Zhigang, Chen Huihui. Distribution, fate and risk assessment of PAHs in water and sediments from an aquaculture- and shipping-impacted subtropical lake, China. Chemosphere, 2018, 201: 612-620.

      [33] Wang Wenxia, Gu Xiaohong*, Zhou Lijun, Chen Huihui, Zeng Qingfei, Mao Zhigang. Antibiotics in Crab Ponds of Lake Guchenghu Basin, China: Occurrence, Temporal Variations, and Ecological Risks. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 2018, 15(3): 548.

      [34] Wang Wenxia, Zhou Lijun, Gu Xiaohong*, Chen Huihui, Zeng Qingfei, Mao Zhigang. Occurrence and distribution of antibiotics in surface water impacted by crab culturing: a case study of Lake Guchenghu, China. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 2018, (2): 1-10.

      [35] Yin Hongbin*, Yan Xiaowei, Gu Xiaohong*. Evaluation of thermally-modified calcium-rich attapulgite as a low-cost substrate for rapid phosphorus removal in constructed wetlands. Water Research, 2017, 115, 329-338.

      [36] Mao Zhigang, Gu Xiaohong*, Zeng Qingfei, Chen Huihui. Carbon sources and trophic structure in a macrophyte-dominated polyculture pond assessed by stable-isotope analysis. Freshwater Biology, 2016, 61(11): 1862-1873.

      [37] 毛志剛, 谷孝鴻*, 曾慶飛. 呼倫湖魚(yú)類(lèi)群落結構及其漁業(yè)資源變化. 湖泊科學(xué), 2016, 28(2): 387-394.

      [38] 王銀平, 谷孝鴻*, 曾慶飛, 毛志剛,王文俠,谷先坤,李旭光. 太湖不同生態(tài)型湖區湖鱭(Coilia ectenes taihuensis)食物組成及其季節變化. 湖泊科學(xué), 2016, 28(5): 1078-1085.

      [39] 谷先坤, 谷孝鴻*, 曾慶飛, 毛志剛,李旭光,王銀平,王文俠. 固城湖及其出入湖河道水質(zhì)時(shí)空分布差異與歷年變化趨勢分析. 生態(tài)與農村環(huán)境學(xué)報, 2016, 32(1): 68-75.

      [40] Mao Zhigang, Gu Xiaohong*, Zeng Qingfei. Food sources and trophic relationships of three decapod crustaceans: insights from gut contents and stable isotope analyses. Aquaculture Research, 2016, 47(9): 2888-2898.

      [41] Wang Yinping, Gu Xiaohong*, Zeng Qingfei, Mao Zhigang, Wang Wenxia. Contrasting response of a plankton community to two filter-feeding fish and their feces: An in situ enclosure experiment. Aquaculture, 2016, 465: 330-340.

      [42] Wang Yinping, Gu Xiaohong*, Zeng Qingfei, Mao Zhigang, Wang Wenxia. Nitrogen stable isotope variability in tissues of juvenile tilapia Oreochromis aureus: empirical and modelling results. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom, 2016, 30(19):2116-2122.

      [43] Yinping Wang, Xiaohong Gu*, Qingfei Zeng, Zhigang Mao, Xiankun Gu, Xuguang Li. Fate of 15N-enriched cyanobacteria feed for planktivorous fish in an enclosure experiment: a stable isotope tracer study. Fisheries Science, 2015, 81: 821-830.

      [44] 孫明波, 谷孝鴻*, 曾慶飛等. 基于水聲學(xué)方法的天目湖魚(yú)類(lèi)季節和晝夜空間分布研究. 生態(tài)學(xué)報, 2015, 35(17): 5597-5605.

      [45] 王銀平, 谷孝鴻*, 曾慶飛等. 食微囊藻干粉魚(yú)類(lèi)對水環(huán)境的影響及氮素遷移轉化規律. 湖泊科學(xué), 2015, 27(3): 475-485.

      [46] Li Xuguang, Xu Zhiqiang, Zhou Guang, Lin Hai, Zhou Jun, Zeng Qingfei, Mao Zhigang, Gu Xiaohong*. Molecular characterization and expression analysis of five chitinases associated with molting in the Chinese mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B, 2015, 187: 110-120.

      [47] Zeng Qingfei, Gu Xiaohong*, Mao Zhigang, et al. In situ growth and photosynthetic activity of Cyanobacteria and phytoplankton dynamics after passage through the gut of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthysmolitrix), bighead carp (Aristichthysnobilis) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromisniloticus). Hydrobiologia, 2014, 736: 51-60.

      [48] 李旭光, 周剛, 谷孝鴻*. 水生甲殼類(lèi)蛻皮發(fā)生過(guò)程及其影響因素的研究與進(jìn)展. 動(dòng)物學(xué)雜志, 2014, 49(2): 294-302.

      [49] 王銀平, 谷孝鴻*, 曾慶飛等. (微囊)藻鰱、鳙排泄物光能與生長(cháng)活性. 生態(tài)學(xué)報, 2014, 34(7): 1707-1715

      [50] 毛志剛, 谷孝鴻*, 陸小明等. 太湖東部不同類(lèi)型湖區底泥疏浚的生態(tài)效應研究. 湖泊科學(xué), 2014, 26(3): 385-392.

      [51] 毛志剛, 谷孝鴻*, 陸小明等. 太湖東部不同類(lèi)型湖區疏浚后沉積物重金屬污染及潛在生態(tài)風(fēng)險評價(jià). 環(huán)境科學(xué), 2014, 35(1): 186-193.

      [52] Mao Zhigang, Gu Xiaohong*, Zeng Qingfei, et al. Seasonal and spatial variations of the food web structure in a shallow eutrophic lake assessed by stable isotope analysis. Fisheries Science, 2014, 80: 1045-1056.

      [53] Mao Zhigang, Gu Xiaohong*, Zeng Qingfei, et al. Production sources and food web of a macrophyte-dominated region in Lake Taihu, based on gut contents and stable isotope analyses. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 2014, 40: 656-665.

      [54] Zeng Qingfei, Gu Xiaohong*, Chen X., et al. The impact of Chinese mitten crab culture on water quality, sediment and the pelagic and macrobenthic community in the reclamation area of Guchenghu Lake. Fisheries Science, 2013, 79: 689-697.






      2020-2023,江蘇省農業(yè)科技自主創(chuàng )新項目,“高品質(zhì)河蟹池塘生態(tài)養殖調控技術(shù)集成與尾水循環(huán)利用試驗示范”,項目負責人


