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      [1] 江蘇省333高層次人才培養工程第二層次帶頭人(2022年)

      [2] 中國科學(xué)院優(yōu)秀導師獎(2020年)

      [3] 楊桂山,姜霞,馬榮華,高俊峰,丁士明,吳敬祿,史小麗,張路,孫占東,姚書(shū)春.中國湖泊綜合調查關(guān)鍵技術(shù)與數據集成應用.江蘇省科技獎進(jìn)步一等獎.2022年

      [4] 丁士明,馬榮華,錢(qián)寶,毛芳芳,范獻方,邢穎,阮哲偉,薛坤,李財,閆杰.湖泊水環(huán)境監測關(guān)鍵技術(shù)創(chuàng )新中國產(chǎn)學(xué)研合作創(chuàng )新與促進(jìn)獎二等獎.2022年

      [5] 馬榮華,孔繁翔,段洪濤,張玉超,張民偉,張民.太湖水華藍藻高精度遙感關(guān)鍵技術(shù)研發(fā)與應用.江蘇省科學(xué)技術(shù)進(jìn)步獎二等獎.2012年

      [6] 孔繁翔,馬榮華,陳宇煒,高俊峰,高光,吳曉東,張民.藍藻水華形成的四階段理論與水華預測.江蘇省科學(xué)技術(shù)進(jìn)步獎二等獎.2008年

      [7] 馬榮華,劉曉枚,段洪濤.中國湖泊分布地圖集.優(yōu)秀地圖作品裴秀銀獎.2016年

      [1] Kun Xue, Ronghua Ma*, Ming Shen, Jinghui Wu, Minqi Hu, Yuyu Guo, Zhigang Cao, Junfeng Xiong. Horizontal and vertical migration of cyanobacterial blooms in two eutrophic lakes observed from the GOCI satellite. Water Research. 2023, 240: 120099, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2023.120099
      [2] Zhigang Cao, John M. Melack, Miao Liu, Tiit Kutser, Hongtao Duan, Ronghua Ma*. Shifts, Trends, and Drivers of Lake Color Across China Since the 1980s. Geophysical Research Letters, 2023, 50, e2023GL103225.https://doi.org/10.1029/2023GL103225
      [3] Zhigang Cao, Ronghua Ma*, Hongtao Duan, Nima Pahlevan, John Melack, Ming Shen, Kun Xue. A machine learning approach to estimate chlorophyll-a from Landsat-8 measurements in inland lakes. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2020, 248: 111974. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2020.111974
      [4] Guangjia Jiang, Steven A. Loiselle, Dingtian Yang, Ronghua Ma*, Wen Su, Changjun Gao. Remote estimation of chlorophyll-a concentrations over a wide range of optical conditions based on water classification from VIIRS observations. Remote Sensing of Environment. 2020, 241: 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2020.111735 
      [5] Dian Wang, Ronghua Ma*, Kun Xue. Improved atmospheric correction algorithm for Landsat 8–OLI data in turbid waters: a case study for the Lake Taihu, China. Optics Express, 2019, 27(20): A1400-A1418, https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.27.0A1400
      [6] Zhigang Cao, Ronghua Ma*, Hongtao Duan, Kun Xue. Effects of broad bandwidth on the remote sensing of inland waters: implications for high spatial resolution satellite data applications. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2019, 153: 110-122
      [7] Kun Xue, Ronghua Ma*, Hongtao Duan, Ming Shen. Inversion of inherent optical properties in optically complex waters using sentinel-3A/OLCI images: A case study using China's three largest freshwater lakes. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2019, 225: 328-346
      [8] Jing Li, Ronghua Ma*, Kun Xue, Yuchao Zhang, Steven Loiselle. A remote sensing algorithm of column-integrated algal biomass covering algal bloom conditions in a shallow eutrophic lake. International Journal of Geo-Information. 2018, 7, 466, doi:10.3390/ijgi7120466
      [9] Lin Qi, Chuanmin Hu, Peter M. Visser, Ronghua Ma*. Diurnal changes of cyanobacteria blooms in Taihu Lake as derived from geostationary ocean color AQ1 imager observations. Limnology & Oceanography, 2018, 63: 1711-1726. DOI:10.1002/lno.10802
      [10] Jing Li, Yuchao Zhang, Ronghua Ma*, Hongtao Duan, Steven Loiselle, Kun Xue, and Qichun Liang. Satellite-Based Estimation of Column-Integrated Algal Biomass in Nonalgae Bloom Conditions: A Case Study of Lake Chaohu, China. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2017, 10(2): 450-460
      [11] Huili Yuan, Ronghua Ma*, Clement Atzberger, Fei Li, Steven Arthur Loiselle and Juhua Luo. Estimating Forest fAPAR from Multispectral Landsat-8 Data Using the Invertible Forest Reflectance Model INFORM. Remote Sensing, 2015,7:7425-7446
      [12] Yuchao Zhang, Ronghua Ma*, Hongtao Duan, Steven A. Loiselle, Jinduo Xu, and Mengxiao Ma. A novel algorithm to estimate algal bloom coverage to subpixel resolution in Lake Taihu. IEEE J-STARS, 2014, 7: 3060-6068
      [13] Lin Qi, Chuanmin Hu, Hongtao Duan, Jennifer Cannizzaro, Ronghua Ma*. A novel MERIS algorithm to derive cyanobacterial phycocyanin pigment concentrations in a eutrophic lake: Theoretical basis and practical considerations. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2014, 9:298-317
      [14] Hongtao Duan, Ronghua Ma*, Chuanmin Hu. Remote sensing algorithms of cyanobacteria pigments during spring bloom formation in several lakes of East China. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2012, 126: 126-135 
      [15] Ronghua Ma*, Guangjia Jiang, Hongtao Duan, Luca Bracchini, Steven Loiselle. Effective upwelling irradiance depths in turbid waters:  a spectral analysis of origins and fate. Optics Express. 2011, 19(8): 7127-7138  
      [16] Ronghua Ma*, Hongtao Duan, Chuanmin Hu, Xuezhi Feng, Ainong Li, Weimin Ju, Jiahu Jiang, Guishan Yang. A half-century of changes in China's lakes: Global warming or human influence? Geophysical Research Letters. 2010, 37, L24106
      [17] Ronghua Ma*, Junwu Tang, Jinfang Dai. Bio-optical model with optimal parameter suitable for Taihu Lake in water colour remote sensing. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2006, 27(19): 4305-4328   
      [18] 馬榮華,張玉超,段洪濤.非傳統湖泊水色遙感的現狀與發(fā)展.湖泊科學(xué),2016,28(2):237-245
      [1] 馬榮華,薛坤,齊琳,李晶,姜廣甲(著(zhù)).湖泊藍藻定量遙感.科學(xué)出版社.2023.3
      [2] 馬榮華,段洪濤,唐軍武,陳兆波(著(zhù)).湖泊水環(huán)境遙感.科學(xué)出版社.2010.9
      [3] 馬榮華,蒲英霞,馬曉冬(著(zhù)).GIS空間關(guān)聯(lián)模式發(fā)現.科學(xué)出版社.2007.1
      [4] 許金朵,林晨,馬榮華(編).太湖水質(zhì)目標管理系統化開(kāi)發(fā)與應用實(shí)踐.南京大學(xué)出版社,2018.7
      [5] 馬榮華(主編),劉曉枚(副主編),段洪濤(副主編).中國湖泊分布地圖集.科學(xué)出版社.2015年4月

      [1] 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目.一種新的基于藻量的湖泊富營(yíng)養化衛星遙感評價(jià)指數(No. 42071341).負責人
      [2] 江蘇省科技廳社會(huì )發(fā)展面上項目.江蘇省太湖藻總量對流域土地利用變化的響應機制(No.BE2019774).負責人
      [3] 國家自然科學(xué)基金重點(diǎn)項目.富營(yíng)養湖泊水體藻顆粒對遙感反射比的影響機理研究(No. 41431176).負責人
      [4] 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目.寬波段衛星傳感器葉綠素遙感反演機理及高精度算法開(kāi)發(fā):以L(fǎng)andsat OLI為例(No. 41771366).負責人
      [5] 中科院自主部署項目課題.太湖水質(zhì)目標管理平臺研發(fā)(No. KZZD-EW-10).負責人
      [6] 科技部863課題.湖庫型飲用水源地富營(yíng)養化監測預警系統開(kāi)發(fā)與示范(No. 2014AA06A509).負責人